If you want a weed-free lawn this season, you need pre-emergent now!

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Hey everyone, its Brent Jackson with Heartland Turf and Landscape. I'm here to give you another lawn care tip, this one on crabgrass pre emergent. My brother, Sam, did a video on this a few weeks back in February, to let you know that it was the proper time for us to apply your lawn care treatment if you're wanting help with that. We did that video then because we actually use a chemistry that lasts for six months. If you're doing it yourself, you're probably gonna end up buying a product at a big box store, like Home Depot or Lowe's. And you're gonna you're gonna pick up a little bit different chemistry than what we would use. With those Box Store treatments you want to time that a little bit differently, because you only have about three months protection, so you kind of want to wait as long as you can. And the way that you will know, the best time to put that down is when the soil temperature starts getting closer to about 55 degrees. And so what I have here is just a regular meat thermometer like a kitchen thermometer, the cheap one that I bought on Amazon for like $10. So you can use this you can designate this one specifically to use for lawn care or just for checking your soil temperatures for pre emergent. What you'll want to do is just stick it in the ground a couple of inches. We're going to wait a couple minutes to see it's 55 degrees, but I'm pretty sure that's going to change here in a second. So we'll give that a couple minutes. About a few seconds anyways to change. And we'll see what that does. But the reason that you want to make sure that you get this down before the temperature in the soil hits 55 degrees is because that's when crabgrass seeds start germinating, those first ones will start germinating and then a lot more will pop up later. But you want to get it down before it even gets close to that first one germinating so once the soil temperature is at 55 for about four or five days in a row. That's when those first seeds are going to start germinating. Let's see, right now it's been sitting in there at about 53 degrees. Just before this video I checked a different spot is at 51 so we're getting pretty close. Timing is everything with treatments and you've got to make sure you get the treatments down at the right time. Right now is the perfect time to put down your pre emergent from big box stores.

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