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How To Have A Bug-Free Backyard
Nothing spoils a backyard gathering like uninvited bugs crashing the party. Come learn the best yard care tips for deterring pests from your property!
The Real Costs & Risks Of DIY Lawn Care
DIY lawn care can seem like the cheapest option for homeowners, but common mistakes can cost more than you realize. This post sheds light on hidden DIY costs.
What Is White Clover?
White clover is present in most lawns, but homeowners often ignore it and believe it's harmless. Come read about how damaging white clover is to your grass.
What Is Spotted Spurge?
Spotted spurge is a distinct-looking broadleaf weed that creates dense mats of tangled stems in your lawn. Come learn more to keep your lawn looking lush!
How To Revive Your Grass After Winter
Winter weather takes a toll on your lawn, but your grass will spring back to life after winter if you follow these steps when the weather warms up!
When Is The Best Time To Aerate Lawns In Kansas City?
Lawn aeration can not be ignored, and it must be done at the right time to see results. Come learn when you should aerate your lawn in Kansas City.
How To Deal With Heavy Clay Soil In Kansas City
Clay soil is common Kansas City lawns, and knowing how to deal with it can make the difference between a healthy landscape and a dry or waterlogged mess.
How To Create A Lawn Care Plan For New Homeowners
Buying your first home is one of the most exciting adventures in life, but sudden lawn care responsibilities may be a new challenge, our post can help.
Top Mistakes To Avoid When Overseeding Your Lawn
Overseeding is a great way to repair struggling areas of your lawn, but making simple mistakes drastically diminishes your results. Let our post help you.
What Is Snow Mold & How To Treat It
Snow mold is a problem all lawns face in cooler climates, and neglecting to treat snow mold early in spring sets your grass up for failure through the year.
What Is Leaf Spot & How To Treat It
Leaf spot is a common fungus that deteriorates the health of your grass and plants, causing spots to appear on infected leaves if the problem is ignored.
Mulching vs. Bagging Grass Clippings
Leaving grass clippings or bagging them while mowing is a highly debated topic. Come read all about both options to decide which is best for your lawn!
What Is Summer Patch & How To Treat It
Summer patch is one of the most common lawn diseases to befall cool-season grasses, and it spreads quickly in the heat of summer. Click to learn more!
What Is Fairy Ring & How To Treat It
Fairy Rings may look magical when you come across them in nature, but the truth is that they are fungal invasions that will take over the grass in your lawn.
What Is Powdery Mildew & How To Treat It
Powdery mildew affects grass of all types and your entire yard will be covered in white spores if you don't know how to spot and control this fungal disease.
What Is Necrotic Ring Spot & How To Treat It
Necrotic ring spot is a common lawn disease that looks as undesirable as one would expect from its name, but proper early identification can save your turf.
A Homeowner's Guide To Caring For Fine Fescue
Fine fescue lawns are beloved for their low-maintenance needs and adaptability to various conditions. Come learn how to care for this versatile grass type!
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Zoysiagrass
Warmer climates demand a resilient grass for healthy lawns, and Zoysiagrass stands out as one of the best warm-season grasses when cared for properly.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Tall Fescue
Tall fescue is a resilient and hardy grass that many homeowners enjoy in their lawns. This post will help you get the most out of your tall fescue turf!
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass is a top choice for lawns in cooler climates due to its fast growth and cold tolerance, and providing proper care enhances such benefits.
A Homeowner’s Guide To Caring For Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass is arguably the most attractive and popular turfgrass in the country, especially when maintained correctly as a cool-season lawn.
A Homeowner's Guide To Caring For Bermudagrass
Bermudagrass stands up very well to hot and humid temperatures in warmer areas, and it performs even better when the proper care is taken.
Warm-Season Grasses vs. Cool-Season Grasses
Do you know the difference between warm-season and cool-season grasses? This post explains which type is best for your lawn!
10 Common Lawn Diseases In Kansas City
Lawns are prone to a wide range of dangers, the most destructive of which are diseases. Come learn all you need to know about lawn diseases in Kansas City.
What Is Goosegrass?
Goosegrass is an annoying and common grassy lawn weed that will quickly spread among your healthy grass and destroy your turf. Come learn how to spot it!
What Is Dethatching?
Dethatching is the process of removing an excess layer of organic matter that sits on your soil and blocks vital nutrients from helping your lawn.
How To Care For Your Lawn During A Drought
Drought conditions can destroy your grass by leaving it dry and weak, but the proper maintenance can prevent this issue. Come learn about it here!
How Do I Stripe My Lawn?
Lawn striping makes the difference between a professional-looking landscape and an uneven mess. Come learn the best lawn striping techniques here.
The Best Grasses For Your Kansas City Lawn
Not all grasses are made equally, and knowing which grass types will and will not thrive in Kansas City is the only way to have a healthy lawn.
What Is Fast-Release Fertilizer?
Different types of fertilizers accomplish different things when it comes to lawn health and rate of growth. Come learn about fast-release fertilizers here!
What Does NPK Stand For In Fertilizers?
The NPK ratio tells you how much nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are in a particular fertilizer. Come learn why this ratio is so important!
What Is Slow-Release Fertilizer?
Slow-release fertilizer is used to provide your lawn with a steady supply of nutrients through the year, and this post will help you apply it correctly.
How Lawn Fertilization Can Prevent Weeds & Pests
Fertilizing your lawn makes your grass healthier and more dense, which helps it combat weeds and pests. Come learn more in this post!
What Is Ryegrass?
Ryegrass is a type of grass that can be seen as a weed where it is not wanted and a valuable turfgrass where it is wanted. Come learn about the pros and cons.
The Connection Between Lawn Fertilization & Grass Growth Rate
Lawns need certain nutrients in order to grow tall and lush, and fertilizing enough, too much, or too little makes all the difference to your grass.
What Is Chickweed?
Chickweed may look like a cluster of delightful flowers in your lawn, but it will ravage your grass and your lawn's roots if this weed is not controlled.
What Is Blue Violet?
Blue violet is a common lawn weed the boasts some beautiful flowers when it grows in your yard, but you must be away of the damage is causes to your grass.
Make sure your Sprinklers are Winterized
Without proper winterization, your sprinklers are prone to serious damages, like timer malfunctions and bust pipes, that will cost you in the springtime!
Yard Winterization Tip of the Week
This week's winterization tips is all about unhooking your hose before the freezing temperatures arrive.
What Is Crabgrass?
Crabgrass is a lawn weed you have likely heard of, but do you know how to identify or remove it from your lawn? Come learn how to do both here!
What Is Annual Bluegrass?
Annual bluegrass is one of the most difficult weeds to identify, as it is infamous for blending in with healthy grass types. This post will help you spot it!
Identifying & Treating Dandelions
Dandelions are often thought of as harmless pops of color throughout a green landscape, but they are anything but harmless when it comes to lawn health.
Welcome to Our Lawn Care Blog
Our team of lawn care and landscaping experts have compiled our years of experience into these blog posts to help create beautiful yards across Kansas City!
Top 10 Weeds In Kansas City
Here is our list of the 10 most common lawn weeds in the Kansas City area to help you protect your turf against them!
What Grass Is Used At Your Favorite NFL Stadium?
The grass in your lawn may be the same turf that is used at your favorite NFL team's stadium. Come see what the pros use!
A Homeowner's Guide To Lawn Weeds In Kansas City
Come learn what every homeowner in the Kansas City area needs to know about lawn weeds to keep them off their property!
Lawn Care Calendar For Kansas City
Lawn care in Kansas City must stick to a well-planned routine if you want to have the same success every year. This post gives you month-by-month guidance.
Everything You Need To Know About Grassy Weeds In Kansas City
Grassy weeds hide in plain sight, often being mistaken for healthy grass in your Kansas City lawn. Come learn the basics about spotting and treating weeds.
Everything You Need To Know About Broadleaf Weeds In Kansas City
Broadleaf weeds are the types of lawn weeds that stick out like a sore thumb and turn beautiful yards in Kansas City into unsightly landscapes.
Everything About The Grass Your Favorite MLB Stadium Uses
MLB stadiums are known for their expansive grass fields, and only the best turf can be used by such skilled athletes. Come learn all about these grasses.
Grassy Weeds vs. Broadleaf Weeds. What's The Difference?
Do you know the differences between grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds? If not, this post will help you look for the warning signs of each for proper treatment.
Weed & Feed vs. Professional Lawn Fertilization
Weed-and-feed may be a time-saving product, but is it actually good for the health of your lawn? The answer might surprise you!
Winterizing Fertilizer Is Crucial For A Healthy Lawn In Spring
Your lawn needs a little extra boost before it goes into that deep sleep known as dormancy. Come learn how to feed your grass before winter.
5 Things That Are Killing Your Lawn!
Come read all about the 5 most common issues that may be the reasons your lawn struggles to grow every year.
What Is Overseeding?
Overseeding is the process of applying new grass seed onto an existing lawn to fill in areas that are patchy or weak. This post explains the best practices.
When & Why You Should Overseed Your Lawn
Overseeding is one of the best ways to fill in patchy areas throughout a lawn and restore your turf to its former glory!
Why Should I Aerate My Lawn?
Without lawn aeration, your soil can easily become compacted and cause drainage issues that lead to pests, weeds, diseases, and more issues for your lawn.
What Is Aeration?
Aeration is a crucial lawn care technique for alleviating soil compaction and creating healthier grass that can grow thicker and quicker.
Fleas vs Ticks And How To Prevent Them
Knowing how to spot the difference between fleas and ticks will help you promptly identify and remove them. Come learn this valuable information here!
Can I Mow My Lawn After It Rains?
Can you mow a wet lawn? Sure. Should you mow a wet lawn? Probably not. Click this post to learn why!
Spotting Red Thread In Kansas City
Red thread, as its name suggests, is a lawn disease that causes ugly red fungal spores to develop and make your lawn look tangled and matted.
What Is Dollar Spot?
Dollar spot in your lawn causes discoloration and weakens grass in small, silver-dollar shaped patches. Click to learn more about dealing with dollar spot.
What Is Lawn Rust?
Lawn rust is one of the most annoying lawn diseases you will encounter, as it spreads rust-like stains all over your grass, shoes, lawn mowers, and more.
Treating Brown Patch In Kansas City
The infamous brown patch is the most common lawn disease in Kansas City, and it will spread like wildfire if you don't know how to contain it. Come learn how!
Can Weekly Mowing Improve My Lawn?
Weekly lawn mowing is one of the most basic and important lawn care tasks there is. Click here to learn all about the benefits of weekly mowing!
Identifying And Treating Lawn Fungus
Lawn disease often takes the form of fungal infections that weaken and harm grass. Click here to learn how to identify and get rid of lawn fungus.
Controlling Nutsedge in Kansas
Nutsedge is a very unique weed that thrives in damp conditions and appears as overgrown grass in your lawn. Come learn how to control it.
Spray weeds in the fall for a beautiful lawn in the spring
Treating weeds in fall is the best way to prevent them from taking over your lawn in spring. Click to learn more!
Watering after overseeding tips
Come read all about our top tips for watering after overseeding your lawn.
How to plant grass seed
Grass seed can not simply be thrown down into the bare soil. Click here to learn about proper grass seeding techniques.
Seeding a lawn
This blog post goes over the best ways to seed a lawn for long-lasting success.
Watering After Overseeding
Watering your lawn after overseeding must be done properly to ensure that those seeds germinate and sprout into new grass. Click to read more!
How to water grass seed
Click on this blog post to read all about the best and most effective way to water grass seed.
Protect your lawn from Army worms!
Spotting army worms in your soil is the first step in removing them before they kill your grass. Come learn how to find them!
Expert explanation on how to check your lawn for Army Worm damage
The experts at Heartland Turf & Landscape are here to explain the best ways to check for armyworms!
Stopping Lawn Damage is Easy with Fungicide Treatment
Fungicides are designed to kill invasive fungi that take over your grass. Come learn how to apply them properly.
3 tips for a beautiful green lawn during the summer
Here is our list of the top 3 tips for creating a green lawn in the middle of summer.
Why you may be seeing tire tracks after a summer mow
Mowing your lawn can sometimes leave tire tracks behind, but there are things you can to do prevent this from happening.
Don't stress your lawn with the wrong fertilizer!
Improper fertilization is a big problem for a lot of homeowners. Come learn which fertilizers you should be using for your lawn.
Lawn Disease and Fungicide
Seeing lawn disease across your turf? Come read about how to stop it with a fungicide.
Summer Watering
Watering your lawn in summer requires a very different approach from spring watering. Read all about it here.
Overseeding Series - Step 3 - 10 days out
This post details what overseeding results you should be seeing in your lawn after a week and a half.
Overseeding Series - Part 6 - 31 days out
This post examines where your lawn should be in the overseeding journey after a month.
Lawn Watering Tips
This blog post goes over our top tips for properly watering your lawn.
Importance of mowing at the proper height
Proper mowing height makes all the difference between lawns that get enough nutrients and lawns that struggle to grow.
Don't bag grass clippings for a healthier lawn
Leaving grass clippings reintroduces valuable nutrients and moisture into your lawn when you leave the bag off the mower.
Overseeding Series - Part 5 - 24 days out
After 3 weeks, your lawn should start should start showing visible improvements after overseeding.
Trim your Roses
Roses are a classic and beautiful garden option, but they must be trimmed to stay healthy and keep blooming. Come learn more here!
We Make beautiful lawns
Click this post to read all about how the Heartland team creates beautiful lawns across the Kansas City area.
When To Plant Summer Annuals
Planting summer annuals must be done at the right time for your garden to thrive. Come read when and how to plant summer annuals in your yard.
Best Time To Trim Ornamental Bushes
This blog post details the best time of year to trim your bushes in order to keep them looking great all season.
Overseeding Series - Step 2 - Seeding the Area
This step in the overseeding process is all about how to properly seed the area in need of help.
We want tips from you!
We appreciate all of our customers and neighbors in the Kansas City area, and we are looking for your best lawn care tips!
Keep bugs OUT of your home
Bugs can be kept outside, where they belong, with professional pest control services like ours!
Vegetable Gardening Tips
Vegetable gardens need special attention to grow those delicious and nutritious veggies, and this post will help!
These are not weeds!
Come learn the difference between healthy grass growth and young weeds in your lawn.
#1 mistake when using weed and feed
Weed and feed is only helpful if it is used properly, and we have our top tip here!
Soil pH and shade
Soil pH is affected by many different factors, and the amount of shade has a surprising influence on the quality of your soil.
Protecting Plants From Frost
Frost can be a killer for you plants, but we are here to help keep them protected this winter. Click for more info!
Why Do I Have Dandelions?
Dandelions are the most well-known lawn weed in the world, but do you know why they are all over your lawn? Come find out here.
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